Pester Pester Pester…

Sorry to have to pester everyone with a sore subject but this needs to be said in order to run a somewhat neat and tidy, organized barn:

We  emptied the Lost & Found Bin- lots of great clothes were donated to Good Will. We will empty the bin every two months going forward- February, April, June, August, October and December. Please check it regularly , especially if you have lost anything!

Please don’t help yourself to equipment that isn’t yours without asking. We have had a number of items belonging to our riders go missing. We assume that it is only being borrowed since nobody at our barn steals, but the fact that it isn’t returned means that it shouldn’t have been touched in the first place.  We are trying to adhere to the new halter rule… now lets make sure that the rest of the equipment belonging to others also stays where it should.

Note that we continue to throw out any polos left out. We have enough laundry without doing everyone’s polos! Please take your polos and saddle pads home to launder.